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Logic Tournament Central

For Participants

Welcome to the challenge! As a participant, you're about to enter the exciting world of logic and strategy. Here's how to get started.

How to Participate

  1. Review the upcoming tournament dates and select the one you want to enter.
  2. Fill out the online registration form with your details.
  3. Submit the registration fee, if applicable, to confirm your spot.
  4. Mark the tournament date on your calendar and start your preparation!
  5. Raymond Smullyan's books, LSAT Logic Games, and typical brain teaser books are great preparation.

Preparation Tips

Success in logic tournaments comes from practice and preparation. Here are some tips to get you tournament-ready:

Logic Tournament Question Types and Format


The tournament consists of two rounds. The first round is a team round where teams of three solve logic puzzles together. The second round is an individual round. We will have scoring sheets for each round.

Question Types

Our Logic Tournaments are in the tradition of Raymond Smullyan's Logic books, LSAT Logic problems, and simple game theory questions.

Four Example Questions

  1. In the tunnels of the Misty Mountains, there are orcs and goblins. The orcs always tell the truth about themselves and others. The goblins always lie about others. Sadly, you can't quite tell which is which in the long dark. Two of the creatures approach you. One says "I am a goblin, but he's a little, ugly orc!" The other sneers, "We are both orcs, liar!" What are the creatures? Truly, neither creature has a very penetrating mind.

  2. Three hobbits, Sam, Merry and Fatty are playing a game of riddles. The optimal riddle is both answerable and difficult. What is a scoring system which would allow them to judge the best riddle-master?

  3. Complete the following syllogism.
    Every troll eats either only lamb or only dwarf.
    Gerald is a troll.
    But Gerald does not eat dwarf, for they complain too much.
    Therefore, _____________________

  4. A Hobbit is trying to organize his 3 pantries and 2 cellars. There are five rooms in a row.
    The two cellars must be next to each other.
    One cellar is for wine, the other is for honey.
    The bread pantry may not be next to the cheese pantry.
    The jar pantry must be next to the bread pantry.
    The cheese pantry must be next to the wine pantry.
    What is a possible order of the five rooms (cellars and pantries)?

